Spring is a time of new beginnings. Fresh starts. So it is with Tom and me. For more than 8 years we worked in the mission field but now God has blessed us with our own place once again.
There is much to do but it is with a new found appreciation of the goodness and faithfulness of God who always keeps His word.
There is so much to say about all the things the Lord has done for us throughout the years. That's why I wrote the book "God has a plan for your life..." I am saying this because after you tell your story for the 100th time it is easier to write it in a book for others to read.
Yes, we still share all the exciting things that God has done for us with others because it continually renews our faith in Him. When you share something it catapults you to the very moment it happened. Causing you to relive the event again. These are the type of events you want to remember.
For those wondering are we the ones who ran On Track Restoration Project , the answer is yes. I have left the sight up with blogs and teaching materials.
There are lots of changes happening all around us. It is important to have our ears open and listening to the voice of Holy Spirit so we can move with Him through these changes. We don't have to be under the wave when it crashes; we can ride on top of it and land on our feet.
I have been very quite for some time. The Lord hasn't stopped speaking, He has just had me be still.
I see two giant hands shuffling a deck of cards. The cards are about to be dealt and I believe it will be surprising to see who is holding the winning hand.
Be prepared in the spirit. Make sure everything in you is covered by the precious blood of Jesus. Make sure Jesus can say He knows you because you have a relationship with Him. Then get ready, things are about to get exciting!
I appreciate your thoughts and comments. God bless you.
Cherie Sheridan
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